Permission to travel from non-travelling parent
This form is to be completed in English and Chinese by non-travelling parent(s) of minors under 18 years of age. A photocopy of that parent’s identification card or passport AND proof of parental relationship must be attached.
Applicant’s Name / 申请人姓名: _____________________________________________________
Date of birth / 出生日期:___________________________________________________________
Passport number / 护照号码: ________________________________________________________
Father’s name / 父亲姓名: ______________________ ____________________________________
Address / 地址: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone number / 联系电话: _______________________________________________________
I give permission for my child ________________________ to visit to singapore, accompanied by
_________________, from ____________ to _______________(dd/mm/yyyy), for Single / Multiple entry (Please circle one).He/She guarantees that during this trip he/she will obey the
local laws and be responsible for his/her personal all words and deeds.
本人同意由________________陪同我的孩子_____________于__________至__________期间 前往新加坡, 其保证遵守当地法律并为其个人一切言行负责。
Signed / 签 名: ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_____________________________ Date / 日 期: ___________________________
Mother’s name / 母亲姓名: ______________________ ____________________________________
Address / 地址: ____________________________________________________________________
Telephone number / 联系电话: _______________________________________________________
I give permission for my child ________________________ to visit to singapore, accompanied by
_________________, from ____________ to _______________(dd/mm/yyyy), for Single / Multiple entry (Please circle one). He/She guarantees that during this trip he/she will obey the
local laws and be responsible for his/her personal all words and deeds.
前往新加坡, 其保证遵守当地法律并为其个人一切言行负责。
Signed / 签 名: _____________________________ Date / 日 期: ___________________________